Monday, October 10, 2022

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (And Watching)


 It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme to share our reads. Just in case you are curious about what book is in our hands and waiting on our shelves.

My next reads aren't changing much. That's the problem with being a mood reader. 

Physical just finished:
N/A :( 

Physical current read: (Hasn't changed. Heh)

Physical next read:

Audio just finished:

Audio current read:

Audio next read:

Kindle just finished:

Kindle current read:

Kindle next read:

Just watched:

Watching next:


  1. Ooh nice! I thought Horrid was an interesting read! White Smoke was also pretty twisted!

    And ooh Blood & Chocolate! I had mixed feelings over that movie. As a film based off a book I thought it was horrible, but as a regular old werewolf movie it was pretty good! Lol.

    Happy Reading & Watching!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Perfect Halloween reading, thanks for sharing some wonderful titles.

  3. Love your list. I haven't been reading anything lately. But I am watching season 9 of The Black List.

  4. Your list of books looks very halloweeny. :).

  5. You've got quite the list. I just finished a rather disappointing spooky read, so I've decided to default back to my pile of TBR books. Sea of Tranquility is providing a really nice escape so far.


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