Saturday, October 8, 2022

Finn's Noms: Hasperat and Red Potion

 Finn's Noms is a weekly feature where Finn picks recipes out of the (many) cookbooks we have, and then cooks them for us!

What book: The Geeky Chef Cookbook
What recipe: Hasperat and Red Potion
Did we change anything: 
Not to the hasperat. We added pineapple juice to the health potions, we tried it without first and liked it better with.
Why we chose that recipe: It looked yummy and simple.

It was really really really good. It's definitely a keeper! First time all of us tried it and we all really liked it.

Would we change anything

Would we cook it again.

1,000,000/5 Yums

When we first picked the recipe I doubted it because it had jalapenos in it. I didn't want the extra spice because there was already hot sauce in the cream cheese.
When I was making it I kept thinking "I hope I like this!" And also "I hope it turns out okay". I chose a garlic heat as my hot sauce, it was only a little spicy.
It was a pretty easy meal to make. We also had a special drink with it, it's a health potion. Well, it's just a smoothie, but it looks like a health potion! I really liked the health potion, I have some left so I can make more tomorrow. I'm really excited I have more left. The raspberries in the health potion were really pulpy and I liked it.

I've cooked recipes from this cook book before and honestly I've never not liked what we made. But this recipe was AMAZING. We all loved it.
We have so many hot sauces and I picked the hot hot one for me and John's. My mom had the bourbon one and then my dad and Finn had the garlic heat.
For our hot pickled veggies we chose pickled jalapenos, because my dad doesn't like pickled things, except those. Weird right? He also doesn't like onions so his doesn't have that. I think this would be fantastic with like hot pickled red peppers, or hot pickled peaches or something kind of sweet.
The heat was great, it was a simple and quick recipe to make. We also are able to make it vegan for my mom. It was a win win for everyone.
For the health potion we ended up doubling it and it didn't actually make as much as I thought it would. We ended up adding some pineapple juice and that gave it so much flavor. The recipe called for fresh ginger but I forgot that, so maybe next time we'll add some of that.

Next week we will be making toasty ghosties (Or toasty pumpkins, it depends what cookie cutters we have. These are homemade cheezits) and Mystery Inc Misty Drinks, both from the Scooby Doo cookbook!

1 comment:

  1. I love to watch you and your daughter cooking together, it sounds like a lot of fun.


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