Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Author Hoard: 2025 Authors


The Author Hoard is a new feature where I will pick one author that I will read as many as I can find of their books, that I have on my TBR, within a year and then I will feature and hopefully interview them. 

I decided to do these authors this year, I'm going to try to do one a month but that depends on if they're on hold on Libby. 

I'll put the author and then under them the books I still need to read by them.

Shea Ernshaw 

Laurie Elizabeth Flynn 

Ali Hazelwood 

Ashley Poston 

Tom Ryan 

Mindy McGinnis

Nicola Yoon 

Lily Anderson 

Nick Cutter 

Kit Frick 

Kathleen Glasgow 

Natasha Preston

Through My Eyes Photography: 4th Of July


Through My Eyes Photography is my photography business that I officially started in 2020. I have been doing photography for 16 years now and have gotten pretty serious about it. These posts are going to be either my newest photos or some photos I want to highlight. 

I did two different shoots for June for 4th of July this year, so I decided to just post them both at the same time (I'm typing this up in December, I'm literally 6 months behind in posting, and it's only going to get worse...)

I Scream, You Scream Horror Movie Challenge Intro

I Scream, You Scream Horror Movie Challenge is a feature where every month I am challenging myself to watch every movie on one bingo card. T...