Saturday, April 30, 2022

Deweys 24 Hour Readathon Post 2: Hours 1-6

The readathon is underway! By the time I post this it'll be 6 hours in, so here are some updates.

Hour 1:
Q: What do you listen to when you read? Anything special you're listening to today?
A: I don't really listen to anything to be honest. I get distracted. I used to be able to listen to music while reading. Not so much anymore.


Books read:
None yet

Hour 2:
Q:Have you been to any literary destinations, for example, author's homes, cemetery tours, or reading vacations?
A: I've been to BEA (Book expo of America) but that's the closest I've ever been sadly. I think I might do some research on ones near me and start making that something to do!


Books read: 

Hour 3:
Q: What is the one book you are most excited to read during this readathon?
A: Hmm I'm pretty excited for all of them I think.. None more than the others.

Didn't take any this hour!

Books read:
Working on my second book, Fright Night by Maren Stoffels 

Hour 4:
Q:What is your ideal reading spot? If you could create the most perfect spot for yourself for your reading, what would it be like?
A: Somewhere bright and comfy! With a big chair that I can move around in, because I get restless and need to adjust myself often. Somewhere surrounded by books, maybe with a small fridge, a fan, a furry friend.. But definitely somewhere with windows that I can open and look out.


Books read:

Hour 5:
Q: How do you take breaks? Do you take them on a somewhat set schedule, like I do? Or do you just read until you need to stop, regardless of the clock?
A: I just take a break when I feel myself getting restless or if I start dozing. I did lay down for about 20 minutes earlier, but that's the only break I've actually taken. I will have to take more breaks when I go to work. 


Books read:
Working on my third book, On a Scale of One to Ten by Ceylan Scott 

Hour 6:
Q: What are you eating/drinking?
A: Well, the only things I've eaten today has been breakfast (Potato and cheese tacos) and lunch (Nachos). I had a couple grapes as well. As far as drink.. I've had a coffee and a redbull and lots of water. I'll have a huge monster when at work and then I'll have a coke and hopefully that'll keep me up most of the night.


Books read:


  1. You're doing great!! Keep it up!

  2. This is such a cool post!! I have always wanted to do a 24-hour readathon but then I had a kid! I don't know that it would be possible... but maybe when he's a bit more independent!!

    1. Surprisingly I've always been able to do it with my son! When he was younger we did a lot of reading with him, now if he's not at his dad's he does it with us.

  3. I completely forgot about Dewey this weekend.... Glad you took part!

    Elza Reads


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