Monday, July 15, 2024

Schoolin' With My Homies: 6th Grade Intro and (Pre Pre) Pre K Intro

My adventures in homeschooling my kiddos.

Wow! Back to school already! We mostly do school through out the year and have two week long breaks here and there, sometimes longer. The longest we go is the month of December and the month of June. 

This year I decided to do things a little differently. Here is how..

1. Themed months: Every month we will have a different theme, so we do specific stuff on top of our curriculum, mostly fun stuff!
2. Curriculum books: I brought home my school books from my grandma's from when I was homeschooled, so it's slightly more structured. 

3. Youtube videos and audio booksL I'm implementing more videos and audio books to hopefully get him excited about what he's learning. If he can watch videos or play on his phone while reading he's happy and I'm happy.

4. Junie!: This year I'm starting more stuff with the baby. She's 14 months as of right now so we're watching youtube, reading books, doing songs, playing with learning toys. The whole shebang!

Finn: This year we are working through an old TEKS book. Apparently that's what public school used to use? I don't know, I didn't go to public school
June: We're just working on her recognizing numbers and hopefully by end of year able to count up to 10! She can count to three as of right now.

Finn: We're working through Understanding God's World and then once we're done with that we will be going back to the human body! 
And we're on book 2 of the Christian Liberty Nature Reader books.
June: Teaching her all about animals, animal noises, plants, and body parts using various books.

Finn: The main books we're using for history are Story of the Middle Ages and A Child's Story of America. We have a lot of chapter books both non fiction and fiction for him to work through.
June: We're working more on social studies than we are actual history, such as taking turns, sharing, basic manners, etc. Along with community helpers.
For actual history mostly going to be talking about local history, about Texas, about the US, and family history. 

Finn: We're just practicing script and cursive. 
June: I'm just helping her with doodling and how to hold a pencil as of right now. Hoping by end of year to have her be doodling and coloring by herself. 

Finn: We're mostly working on other countries and filling in a blank map.
June: Showing her the globe and maps and explaining what the Earth, US, and States are. I'm not expecting her to know everything, but just to get it in her brain.

English Language Arts:
Finn: We're just using a grammar book we found on Amazon.
Juniper: We're working on the ABC's and vocabulary mostly.

Finn: We're doing Reading Street and Read180 along with having a list of books to read every day.
June: We just read to her a lot. 

Finn: We're focusing a lot on what to do when camping, especially if he gets separated or there's an emergency. How to start a fire, make or find a shelter, how to purify water, etc.
Also how to forage. 
June: Teaching her 911 (again, I don't expect her to really "get" it but it's an important thing to know)

Finn: We do You Can Count on God, Children's Bible Stories, Doodle Devotions for Kids, and Ancient Civilizations and the Bible.
June: We mostly watch Youtube videos but we have some board books about praying, loving God, trusting God, etc, along with her baby bible.

Finn: Besides the basics every month we'll be learning specific signs based on the theme of the month. We just use youtube to learn.
June: Just basics.

Finn: We have our Nature Journal, Plant Identification Journal, and a Scavenger Hunt Journal that we use. We plan on going outside a lot more once it's cooled off!
June: Just teaching her about trees, animals, flowers, etc.

Finn: We are trying to have Finn cook once a week if we can. We use cookbooks.
June: June "helps" us often with cooking. We're teaching her what foods are, simple things just so she can watch us.

Finn: I have two art books, one is 300 lessons in art and the other is art labs for kids.
June: Just working on her painting and coloring.

Finn: We are working hard on his ranks and his merit badges. I'll post weekly what we're working on.
June: For June I just looked up the first badges she could get (Yes she's years away, but we can start getting her ready whenever) and just kind of helping with those.

Finn: Finn got an electric guitar for his birthday and we're starting on lessons with that and his violin.
June: Mostly just showing her music and what the instruments are.

Life Skills:
Finn: We're working on a new life skill every week, some will take longer, like learning to budget. Planning meals, making a grocery list, etc. Also how to do his own laundry and keep up with his showers and personal hygiene, amongst other things.
June: We're mostly just letting her explore, and telling her what things are as she's exploring. She's learning how to use utensils and telling us what she wants.

Health/Mental Health:
Finn: For physical health we're working on Harcourt's Health and Fitness.
For mental health we're working on
June: Teaching her about emotions and reactions to how she's feeling.

1 comment:

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