Tuesday, July 2, 2024

June Recap + July Plans and TBR

June simultaneously flew by and took way too long at the same time. It's always rough when Finn is gone for a month in the Summer, it's my least favorite time of year because I always miss my baby. But I got a ton of reading done and I won't read this much ever again I'm sure.

Here are some of my favorite pics of June (The month and the baby). 

Favorite photography of June:

Movie/TV stats:
Shows watched:

Movies watched: 

Here are my favorite movies of June:

Reading stats
Total books read:  70
Kids: I don't count these, I read to June a lot.
MG: 0
YA: 28
Adult: 36
NF: 3
Graphic Novels: 3
Manga: 0

1 Star Reads: 4
2 Star Reads: 15
3 Star Reads:  13
4 Star Reads: 30
5 Star Reads:  8

Favorite reads (4 and 5 star reads):

July TBR: 

July movies to watch: 

July events and plans:
Finn will be home soon! We're picking him up at the butt crack of dawn on Friday and going straight there to my grandparents property.
We have 4th of July Thursday and Henry's angelversary is coming up July 12th, other than that we'll get back to doing school about mid July, I already have some stuff planned out, mostly youtube videos, crafts, recipes, scout stuff, etc.

1 comment:

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