Friday, July 5, 2024

Book Review: Stranded: Land by Theresa Shaver

Title: Land
Author: Theresa Shaver
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publishing Date: April 13th, 2012
Read: March 28th, 2024
Pages: 204
Audio Length: 6 Hours 59 Minutes
Genre: YA apocalypse
Series: Stranded #1
Source: Audio

What it's about:
Five go by Land - Five go by Sea

A group of teens on a class trip to Disneyland are left stranded. An EMP over North America has destroyed everything electronic. No cars, no planes, no phones, no electricity. Refusing to wait for someone else to help them, ten courageous young people take charge of their future and choose to begin the long journey home. 1500 miles of adventure and lawless country await. Will their determination be enough?

Alex, Quinn, Josh, Cooper and Dara - setting out on foot with nothing more than some soon to be worthless cash and a little advice from a trusted teacher, they walk through a burning city that has come to a halt. The devastation they see as they make their way out of the city is a small part of the horror that the nation will become. As the days go by with no food deliveries and no water flowing from taps, civilization will start to crumble and it will be survival of the fittest. With five States and half a Province to cross they will need to plan well, count on each other and pray for a little luck. Even with that, chances are slim of getting home when you are Stranded.

What I thought:
This was actually a surprisingly good read, I had a lot of fun and as soon as the EMP hit I was like I know exactly what that is and the fact that the teacher knew what it was and was a prepper made me stupid happy.
This was a really quick read, I read it in 2 hours while I was cleaning and it definitely kept me entertained. I definitely want to read the rest of the series. 

I don't like the cover much. Sorry. I don't know what it is about it but I just meh.

I'm a sucker for anything apocalyptic especially EMPs for some reason, I think because it's something that's entirely possible. I love reading about people trying to survive too, so even though this isn't a super well written book, it was still a good one as far as story goes.

Man this book is go go go literally from the beginning, which is probably why it feels like such a fast read, but honestly I'm here for it. It made me not want to stop reading.

I'm say it is a little juvenile-ly written, I can't think of what I'm trying to say here lol but I guess it seems immaturely written. It wasn't bad, just not spectacular. 

Most of the characters kind of pissed me off because they weren't making the best decisions, I try to remember it's a bunch of teenagers so not only are they immature but they wouldn't know exactly what to do in this kind of situation.

It had a good ending and I can't wait to read the rest of the series. 

She did a good job. 

It was a quick read with a good story that kept me on my toes.

A little Snippet:
“All the things in our lives that we took for granted every day are over. If we want music we’ll have to make it. If we want food we’ll have to grow it. It’s like we just got cast in a really bad Pioneer Village reality show.” “Oh shit, do you think we’ll end up sister wives, pumping out babies and farming?” Dara exclaimed.”
― Theresa Shaver, Land

Possible books of likeness:

Author's info:
Theresa Shaver lives in South Central Alberta Canada.
As an avid reader, I used to dream about writing and sharing my own stories with the world. Publishing was a far off and intimidating goal until Amazon opened the gates! I love that I get real feed back from my fans on my books instead of some guy behind a desk who studies market trends. I write to share my dreams with the world and now I can. My first series is a Young Adult Post-apocalypse story. I love writing about the growth of characters faced with such huge challenges and plan to continue future stories in wrecked worlds. It's a new do it yourself world in so many industries so never stop believing in your dreams and do it yourself!

Other books I've read by this author:
I haven't read anything else by this author yet!


  1. That makes me giggle. I grew up in Anaheim, so if an EMP went off while I was there, it'd be easy for me to get around. (I'm not terribly far from Anaheim now.) But, of course, that would make for a boring book. Glad you kind of enjoyed it.

  2. I'm happy to hear it was a good read for you.

  3. I think I have a vague memory of starting this book as an e-book and giving up fairly quickly. So I went to Goodreads to refresh my memory and - they had a totally different cover. I like the cover on Goodreads a lot more.

    1. Forgot to sign my name - Alana


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