Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Prepared Prepper's Wishlist: How to Add a Patriotic Flair to Your Emergency Bag

The Prepared Preppers Wishlist is a list of items that I think any prepper would benefit from or be able to use.

There's really no reason to make as much in a survival kit be an American flag except if we're being invaded by another country it's a big ol F you, which is fun. 
It's also super fun and aesthetically pleasing, so for this prepping to survive I'll be posting normal stuff for a survival kit, but super red white and blue.

Let's start with a backpack, normally I would say a bit bigger of a backpack is better, but these backpacks are super cute. So let's go with that.

If you ever need to bug out having a face covering could be helpful for many reasons, weather it be to help during a snow storm or against wind, to protect against germs (You'd need more heavy duty than these, but you get the idea) or to hide your identity.

And a hat can help protect your head and face from the sun. And don't forget sunglasses.

Paracord is always useful, it can be used to help with shelters, build traps, a fire starter, a belt, clothesline, shoelaces, for fishing, and more!

Flashlights, headlamps, and lanterns are obviously very important. Don't forget the extra batteries!

Knives and multitools are important for all kinds of things, self defense, cutting rope, getting food, fixing things, etc.

A lighter or firestarter is a definite need, especially if you're in the middle of nowhere. You might need a fire to cook, keep warm, boil water... Zippo has so many but this one is my favorite.
And don't forget a cute case to carry your lighter in!

Obviously a water bottle is needed. Also water purification tablets, but I couldn't find an American flag version of those, so just pretend. These are a few I like.


While you probably won't have room in an emergency pack for a blanket, maybe keep it in a car? Comfort is just as important when surviving, if you can be comfortable why not do it? 

Also an inflatable chair/bed that's compact might be the perfect thing for sleeping when you're in a bug out situation. Sleep is important. A hammock works too!

I couldn't find a red, white, and blue first aid kit, so just pretend these three are all one.

And a couple things to put in the first aid kit

A notebook and pen can come in handy in an emergency situation too, whether it be to leave notes, make notes for yourself, or using the paper as tinder.

Glow sticks to help with visibility at night and to signal for help if needed.

Non perishable patriotic food is super hard to find, most of it is candy or stuff that's not the best in a bug out situation. I did find these pastas though that you could definitely put in an emergency pack.

A portable charger to charge up any electronics you might need, and playing cards take up very little room and can provide a lot of entertainment.

There are so many other items you'd need in a survival kit, but these are just some fun American themed ones to add to your already existing bag.


  1. A deck of cards is or should be a must.

  2. Hah, patriotic prepping gear is a bit like RGB computer equipment -- unnecessary but fun.

  3. What a great list! I didn't realize you could find so much of this stuff with American flags on it. I love it! :D


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