Sunday, May 22, 2022

Weekly Wrap Up: May 15th-21st


 Weekly Wrap Up May 15th-21st

Getting back into the swing of things after being sick for a week. Finally got a lot of the house cleaned, at least the living room part. I bought some stuff needed for the home study and planned out my next few paychecks. I tried to put my two weeks notice in but he asked me to stay the Summer and I'm going to try. I joked that I went from trying to quit to getting keys to the store. Go me!
We have a new girl at work and between being sick and having a coworker I'm trying.. my reading life has seriously died. DIED. I read a school book to Finn and two graphic novels and that's all I could get through. Definitely not finishing my May TBR. But that's okay. 
Finn also got his yellow belt in Judo! He was so excited. I haven't ever seen him smile that big. He was so proud and I was so proud of him.

Finn learned about in school:
Finn learned all about Greek mythology this week. He especially loves reading about Medusa. He also drew the symbols for California, Colorado, Connecticut and Delaware. 

Photos from this week:

Books Read: 

The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus


This week's TBR: 

Finn's TBR: (This is his TBR until further notice lol)

This week's TBW: 


  1. You have been busy! I hope you find some time to read soon. Love the photos!

  2. Oh wow! Busy week! Congrats to Finn! That's awesome! And ooh Greek mythology! I loved when I did a unit of that in school! It basically spawned a love for all things Greek myth! Lol.

    Hope you're able to sneak in a bit of reading this week! Hope you enjoy whatever you're able to read!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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