Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Watch With Me: Maxxxine


Movie: Maxxxine
Genre: Horror 
Rating: R
Length: 1 Hr 43 Mins
Release Date: July 5th, 2024
Director: Ti West
Stars: Mia Goth, Simon Prast, Charley Rowan McCain

What it's about: 
In 1980s Hollywood, adult film star and aspiring actress Maxine Minx finally gets her big break. But as a mysterious killer stalks the starlets of Hollywood, a trail of blood threatens to reveal her sinister past.

What I thought:
First I have to say that if you haven't heard of this one it's the third in the series, so definitely check out the first two. This is my favorite of the series. I really liked the first one, I didn't at all like the second one, and this one was great. 
Honestly the majority of the movie I had no idea what was happening next or where the movie was going. But in the end we kind of had it figured out.
I love Mia Goth, I think she's gorgeous and an amazing actress.
Just a heads up though these movies are FULL of sex and nudity, especially the first one. 


If you liked this movie then watch...

Fun facts:
After Maxine finishes her audition at the beginning of the film and sees all the other actresses waiting in line, there's a sign that reads "X FACTOR" something mentioned in Pearl (2022) and in X (2022) as the special quality sought for in an actress.

While Maxine does her makeup in front of a vanity, on the desk is a ceramic goose with a large amount of cocaine in it. It being a goose is a reference to the goose that Pearl killed in the opening of Pearl (2022).

The filmmakers went "old-school" during production. The movie was made the same way as it would have been in the 1980s, i.e using the same camera equipment as back then, and avoiding "modern trickery" when filming.

Lead actress Mia Goth (Maxine Minx) stated that the story for this film, in her opinion, is the best out of the three.

The dance young Maxine performs for her father in the beginning flashback of the film is the exact choreography Pearl performs for her audition in Pearl (2022).

1 comment:

  1. A horror movie with a porn subplot? Interesting combo.


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