Saturday, January 18, 2025

About the Blogger: A Day in My Life

About the Blogger is a post idea I came up with so people can get to know me. 

Hi y'all! It's been a moment since I did an about the blogger, so I thought maybe I should do one. 
And what more fun than a day in my life!?

I want to start by saying I'm very blessed to have the boys in my life that I do. John sleeps in the loft (He snores really bad lmao) and he takes care of the baby at night. She doesn't wake up much anymore but he keeps the monitor out there with him.
When he gets up for work he brings me the monitor. 

And when Finn wakes up (Around 7) he comes in and gets the monitor while he does his morning chores and school then gets the baby up and changes her and gets her breakfast so I can sleep in.
Sometimes I wake up before she does, but I have really really bad insomnia and sometimes I don't fall asleep until 3 or 4 AM and it helps me when he takes care of her in the morning. One of the upsides to having kids with a 10 year age gap.

I wake up between 8 am and 9 am depending on when I fell asleep. Sometimes I'm up earlier if I get enough sleep the night before.
I get up, get dressed and go see what the kids are up to. 
I'm not always hungry in the morning so if I am then I make breakfast if not I might have a piece of toast or something to hold off until lunch.
If Finn didn't feed the baby yet (Sometimes she doesn't act hungry and trust me she tells us if she is) then I feed her. 
Then get her dressed and take photos of her for whatever collab we're working on. 

After that I do school with Finn, work on house stuff, edit photos, make whatever things I need to for my other business, stuff like that.
I'm usually doing laundry, or cleaning up June's toys, or cleaning up the loft.
Then I put her down for nap and I will either read and play minecraft or something that I can do to relax. Finn will usually join me if he's finished his chores and school. 

Then once June is awake we finish whatever school, house work, whatever I didn't finish before nap.

After that I cook dinner and let the kids play for a bit. 
After dinner, depending on the night, we have family time and just hang out. 
Monday's Finn has scouts, Tuesday's he goes to dinner with his dad and other mom and I usually have at least one photoshoot, Wednesday's he has youth at church, Thursday's I usually have a shoot, Friday's we either take him to his dad's or he comes with me to my shoots. So every night is a little different.

Before bed I will either read and do crafts while John plays games and Finn does Finn things, or I will play games, or we will watch a movie.
Then bedtime! 

So that's a little preview into what I do every day! I wouldn't change it for the world. And of course that doesn't include weekends, because weekends are kind of crazy and different every time.


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