Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: 2025 Bookish Goals

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

My bookish goals for 2025.

Read AT LEAST one book every month. 
I say that because a few months last year I didn't read. 

Read 200 books in 2025
Should be easy... Right?

Read more off my physical TBR
I'm slowly working through my physical TBR, but I want to do more.

Read the bible more
I feel so lost when I'm not surrounding myself in God's word. 

Do more reviews
I get really behind... So... 

Post to my bookstagram/booktok more
I wanna be tiktok famous too! Jk, but I do like to post and get reactions to the posts.

Read to June more
We read to Finn so much when he was a baby and toddler and we haven't read as much to June.

Finish the Spring, Summer, and Fall reading challenge
I've only ever finished the reading challenge once. I've love to do three this year.

Comment on more blogs. Be more active in the blogging community.
I wanna make some frands.

Find a bookclub to join
I have one but I never go. I'd love to go more.


  1. "Read AT LEAST one book every month. [...] Read 200 books in 2025"
    I hope you'll find a happy medium between these two at least. Maybe one book per week? two? That seems doable (now, in my case, reading is super-easy, writing reviews is the hard part...and in yours too, if point N°5 is anything to go by...

    "Comment on more blogs. Be more active in the blogging community"
    That's another sore point for me. Let's challenge each other to do better!

    Anyhow, best of luck with all your goals!

  2. These are great goals! I'd love to join a book club too and comment more on blogs. Good luck with all of these!

  3. OOh nice set of goals! You can totally rock these this year! Rooting you on!

    Good luck with all of them! I find the 200 books a year daunting! Even i in my good days I still fell under 200 but over 100...usually over 150 too but I think I only hit 200 once! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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