My adventures in homeschooling my kiddos.
With being super ADHD and always have 1,000,000 things on my brain I really struggle with homeschooling sometimes (Don't tell his dad), I really want to be that great mom and homeschool teacher that has her sh*t together, but I'm just not.
Technically I'm typing this up in October, and I've already started working on it. But something about getting ready for the new year makes me want to get more organized. Hopefully it sticks and I don't give up and say "well I'll work on it next year"
I've been trying really really hard as a mom, wife, friend, daughter, person to be better in general. And I swear it'll happen..
Anyway! Rant over!
Let's get to it. So our goals for homeschooling this year...
Follow a schedule, even just a bit more. With homeschooling it doesn't have to be set in stone, that's one of the perks of homeschooling. Not to have to wake up early, stay in school for 8 hours, work on homework after. Finn likes to do his schoolwork later in the day and that's totally okay!
Don't get distracted by other things to the point where I tell him not to do school. Oops.
Focus on more than just the core subjects, make sure to include more science-y stuff, he wants to be a marine biologist or paleontologist when he grows up, that means I need to up his science intake!
With that being said... I want to add more than just the core. This year we've been focusing on the core subjects, but I want to incorporate in survival, bible, self care, etc.
More field trips! They can be expensive but there's so much fun stuff for cheap cheap around here, I just need to do the research. I don't like leaving the house much, I like to stay home and do home stuff like reading, blogging, watching movies, making stuff, etc. So outside is icky.
More social gatherings. Again, outside is icky. People? Icky. Just kidding, mostly. Finn really likes people and that's one of the things we talked about when deciding to homeschool is how to get his socializing in. And I have a great group of homeschool friends and we love going to the events. It just takes so much energy and prep to leave the house, especially with a toddler.
More experiments. Kid loves experiments and they're so good for his brain. I really have to get more going.
Have him learn more life stuff. Cooking, sewing, how to change a tire, etc. He's getting to the age where he should be more independent, and honestly he is pretty independent. He loves to cook his breakfast and lunch, he does his school, chores, etc
I'm sure there's actually quite a bit more that I want to work on! But I think this is a good start.
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