Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Cover Up: March 2025 New Release Favs

 Cover Up is a feature where I talk about covers of books.

These are some of my favorite March new release covers. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Things Said

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This week's TTT is things people said. I always find quotes and lines I love from books when doing my reviews, so here is my top ten that I've found and love.

“I wish people didn’t call them that. Trolls… They aren’t mythical creatures. You can’t look up how to defeat them in the Monster Manual. There are no critical hits, no saving rolls. They aren’t make-believe. They’re real. And they’re assholes.”
― Whitney Gardner, Chaotic Good

“I understand now. The three of you share a single iota of common sense. I'm just a little unclear on which one of you has custody of it now.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Lovely and the Lost

“I also think it’s better to have loved and lost, you know? I just think everyone should get to experience that happiness, even if there’s a chance it might lead to heartbreak.”
― Lizzy Mason, The Art of Losing

“Well, I started Tae Kwon Do pretty early before moving into Muay Thai—” “What’s that?” “Muay Thai? It’s this Thai kickboxing style where you use your whole body to put force into kicks and strikes.” “Oh, like the way I eat pizza.”

“Anyone who has actually been that sad can tell you that there's nothing beautiful or literary or mysterious about depression.”

“Have you ever been on a monster roller coaster? Ever rode it
five times in a row? That was what it felt like, as if my mind and body
were being whipped around and around in an unforgiving and
uncontrollable rhythm.”
― Nicky Peacock, The Assassin of Oz

“– I understand the world can be cruel place and there are people out there counting on naive kids like you to take advantage of. Don't just think because it's video games people can't get hurt.”
― Cory Doctorow, In Real Life

“I don't know why it's so hard for people to admit that sometimes they're just assholes who screw up because they don't expect to get caught.”
― Karen M. McManus, One of Us Is Lying

“I tried to find a place for this new pain, this brand-new baby grief, but there was nowhere to put it. I'd just have to carry it.”
― Carrie Fountain, I'm Not Missing

“I finally get the point of all this. You let go and the music holds you up and you don't even have to think. You just feel.”
― Shivaun Plozza, Tin Heart

Monday, March 3, 2025

Through My Eyes Photography: Graveyard Energy


Through My Eyes Photography is my photography business that I officially started in 2020. I have been doing photography for 16 years now and have gotten pretty serious about it. These posts are going to be either my newest photos or some photos I want to highlight. 

I Scream, You Scream Horror Movie Challenge Intro

I Scream, You Scream Horror Movie Challenge is a feature where every month I am challenging myself to watch every movie on one bingo card. T...