Sunday, June 23, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up: June 16th- 22nd


Weekly Wrap Up: June 16th-22nd

On the blog:

Life Stuff:
I had a lot of health/lady time issues this week, so I didn't do everything I really wanted to.
Sunday was Father's Day so we just went to church, watched a movie, played a game with dad. And just relaxed.
Because Finn is with his dad for a month we're seeing him once a week until he's back, so we got to see him Monday. Tuesday I went to urgent care, so that was fun. And then Wednesday I was sick. Thursday I felt better and did some cleaning. Friday we went to the library and Saturday we ran errands and I did a beautiful haunted witchy goth photoshoot.
Coming up this week:
I'm honestly not sure what we're doing this week. Cleaning, organizing, reading, watching movies, etc. I have a photoshoot today and we'll see Finn on Tuesday. Other than that I'm going to try to read 14-21 books this week which seems insane. 

Finn/June learned:
Finn is on "summer break" and June has been learning more signs, she's very close to walking, and is learning all kinds of animal sounds, body parts, and colors. We're working really hard especially on head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and counting to 5!
For signs we're working on help, stop, and thank you.

Photos from this week:

Books Read: 



This week's TBR:

This week's TBW: 

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