Monday, June 24, 2024

The Messy Mama Brain Dump: An Introduction

The Messy Mama Brain Dump is a feature where I talk about anything and everything related to parenting, being a mom, and kids.

Hey y'all! I decided I wanted to start posting about parenting stuff, I don't know how many posts I'll have but I can think of at least 5 I want to do, so here we are! I just wanted somewhere I can just rant, talk about, joke about, make recommendations, etc for parents. 
I'm not a perfect mom, I don't have all the answers, and of course my opinions are all my own. This isn't a place for me to shame other parents, it's just a place for me. 

So a little about me just in case you're new here.
My name is Ash, I have 4 kids total. I have two here on earth and two in Heaven.
Finnlan James is my oldest, he's my sunshine baby and he's about to be 11 in August, for those of you that have been around for a while, I know you're saying 11 already!? And YES SAME. He is going into "6th" grade, we homeschool and he does school stuff from many different grades. He wants to be a marine biologist or paleontologist when he grows up and he loves video games, reading, watching movies with us, playing board games, painting, making stuff with clay, and just being an awesome big brother.

**Trigger warning for the next two babies as they are angel babies and I mention miscarriages**

Greyson Nathaniel is my next oldest, he is one of my angel babies. I lost him in December of 2018 when he was 15 weeks old I had a missed miscarriage. We associate buffalo plaid, bears (Teddy and brown/grizzly), red and black, and the song My Wish by Rascal Flatts with him.

Henry Oliver is next and he is unfortunately also an angel baby, I lost him in July 2019 at 15 weeks gestation as well. We associate fir and evergreen trees, foxes, the colors orange and green, and the song A Million Dreams by P!nk (From The Greatest Showman) with him.

We unfortunately don't know why we lost the boys, they were perfect and healthy and everything about the pregnancy was healthy. We think it's because of my PCOS but we really don't know.

**End trigger warning**

Juniper Hensley Grace is our youngest and our rainbow baby and she is about to be 14 months on July 1st. Hensley is after Henry and Grace is after Greyson. We adopted her from my cousin as soon as she was born, she's always been with us and we officially adopted her in April of this year.
She loves Ms. Rachel, Silly Miss Lily, and Bluey are her favorites, she talks all the time, she's working on walking, and she knows a ton of signs.

With this feature I will be posting sign language that she's learning, youtubers we love, food ideas, etc. Just all kinds of messy mama brain dumps.

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